Building a window cleaning round...
Sow Seed or Buy Turf?
Building a window cleaning round from scratch is like sowing a lawn.
It would be fantastic to have a nice, thick, luxurious, lawn – the kind that you find on a well kept golf course. But ask any groundskeeper and they will tell you that you don’t get those kind of results overnight!

Do you sow seed and grow your own lawn - or buy rolls of turf and have an instantly finished garden?
Similarly, anyone that has built a good, compact and lucrative window cleaning round from scratch will tell you that it takes lots of time, lots of determination and lots of will power - but it is achievable.
When laying a lawn you have two options: Sow seed and grow your own lawn – or buy rolls of turf and have an instantly finished garden.
Although it may cost more, the obvious advantage of laying turf is the speed in which you can have your lawn. Turf is simply rolled out and although it needs to be laid correctly, you can reap the rewards of having a nice lawn for the kids to play on immediately. On the other hand, if you sow grass seed the shoots will appear after a week or so (depending on time of year) and the kids will have to wait to play on the lawn for several months. Growing your lawn from seed will mean weeding out all the undesirables and lots of regular watering to get the lawn looking good and healthy.
Yes, you could canvass a round from scratch and the satisfaction in doing so has its own rewards. It takes time, a lot of weeding out unreliable customers, lots of watering with more advertising and more canvassing to pad the round out – but it is achievable.
Or you could buy an established round where most of the hard work has been done for you. It may cost more initially, but the time it would take you to reach the same level of earnings (and the loss of potential earnings working a ready made round in the meantime) could very likely make buying a round a sound investment. A combination of the two would likely be the ideal.
If you are looking to buy or sell window cleaning work in the UK then you should definitely pay a visit to where you will find hundreds of window cleaning rounds for sale. – If you are looking to lay a lawn then you are best to visit your local garden centre!
Learn more about running a window cleaning business with our list of window cleaning articles